Freediving Romania



Freediving Romania a facut primele demersuri pentru a se afilia oficial la Asociatia Internationala pentru Dezvoltarea Apneei (AIDA)

La ultima intalnire a biroului executiv AIDA International a fost acceptata cererea de afiliere urmand ca in 2012, Freediving Romania sa continue procedura de afiliere si inregistrare a filialei nationale – AIDA Romania. Astfel in viitorul apropiat, se vor putea organiza evenimente si competitii sportive in Romania, dupa standardele si cu recunoasterea AIDA international. De asemenea sportivii romani vor putea participa la competitii internationale sub egida AIDA, reprezentand AIDA Romania.

Freediving Romania started the process of affiliation with AIDA International

At the last executive meeting of AIDA International the request for affiliation submitted to establish AIDA Romania was considered positively. thus Freediving Romania will continue the registration process to establish the Romanian branch – AIDA Romania. Therefore, in the near future there will be events and competitions in Romania, under the standards and recognition of AIDA International. In addition, Romanian athletes will be able to attend international competitions under AIDA standards, while representing the home country, through AIDA Romania.

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